Arjohuntleigh Flowtron Excel DVT Pump


Arjohuntleigh Flowtron Excel DVT Pump

Original price was: ₹149,200.00.Current price is: ₹134,000.00.

  • Severe arteriosclerosis or other ischaemic vascular diseases
  • Known or suspected acute Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) or phlebitis
  • Severe Congestive Cardiac Failure (CCF) or any condition where an increase of fluid to the heart may be detrimental
  • Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
  • Any local condition with which garments would interfere, for example gangrene, untreated, infected leg wounds, recent skin grafts, dermatitis
Availability: Out of stock Category:


Flowtron® Excel is a clinically proven, effective, non-invasive, mechanical prophylaxis system designed to reduce the incidence of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).

It has been designed to provide calf and/or thigh compression and can be used in dual or single leg mode, providing choice and flexibility. Clear audible and visual alarm indicators assure that the pump is delivering the correct pressure at all times.


The Flowtron Excel is suitable for DVT prophylaxis in acute care settings, in the pre, intra, and post-surgery phases, as monotherapy or when combined with a pharmacological agent.

Features & Benefits

With the patient in mind

  • Quiet, vibration-free pump for enhanced patient compliance
  • Dedicated, comfortable, lightweight and breathable garments

With the caregiver in mind

  • Single leg option offers the flexibility of using one garment
  • Pressure regulator dial enables adjustment of the compression pressure
  • Clearly visible illuminated LED display shows actual pressure
  • Intelligent alarm function, minimizes disruption, and allows easy troubleshooting
  • Extenable easy clean, anti-kink tubing for increased flexibility
  • Simple and secure snap lock connection of garments to the pump prevents accidental disconnection

With the facility in mind

  • Tailored product service, support and clinical education programs delivered by qualified product and clinical specialists
  • Wide range of financial options available to meet today’s ever changing budget requirements


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